Planning Permission has been granted for a new building for use in connection with The Captain Tom Foundation and its charitable objectives.
Whilst the approved building is for uses incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling house it is within the curtilage of a Grade II Listed Building and therefore required express planning permission.
The new building will be sited on the existing tennis court, in the south-west of the application site. The existing mature trees will be retained and a new hedge planted to screen the proposed building from the Listed Building.
The form, massing and style of the proposed building has been designed to fit into its surroundings whilst providing for the functions needed for The Captain Tom Foundation.
It was concluded that the proposed building for the Captain Tom Foundation will have minimal impact on the significance of the Listed Building and its historic setting and will represent a high-quality development within the existing private garden.
The Conservation Officer advised that the proposal for a single-storey outbuilding within the site was acceptable in principle and the proposed location of the building replacing the tennis court was also considered positive. The impact was considered to cause ‘less than substantial harm’ to the significance of the listed building by introducing built-form within its curtilage and adversely affecting its setting. However the harm was weighed against the public benefit of the scheme.
On this project J & J Design were assisted by JRT Architectural Design Limited and RGS Arboricultural Consultants (Tree Report).
Please contact us if we can assist you with similar proposals.