Planning Permission has been granted for two detached dwellings on garden land in a Bedfordshire town for a local property development company.
The site lies to the north of an existing small housing development and currently forms part of the rear garden of an existing house. The adjoining land to the north is residential gardens and to the west is agricultural land which is allocated for housing development.
The proposal was two 4-bedroom detached houses and associated detached garages with a private drive proposed from the head of an existing vehicle turning space.
The proposed houses are three storeys with dormer windows in the rear roof slopes. Half width single storey rear projections are proposed. The proposed materials are Buff brick with stone cills and lintels with terracotta-coloured roof tiles. Three car parking spaces are proposed for each dwelling with one visitor space. The design and layout was prepared by Sherwood Architects Ltd.
The site lies within the Settlement Boundary in the Neighbourhood Plan and within a Local Plan Allocation Site. The Council considered that the development of the application site for two houses would not prejudice the delivery of the wider site for residential development.
The proposal was considered to be acceptable in terms of highway safety and neighbouring amenity and compliant with the Council’s planning policies and adopted Design Guidance.
It was concluded that it was a sustainable proposal with the design and layout of the proposal considered acceptable and inkeeping with the character of the area.
The tree survey prepared by RGS Arboricultural Consultants identified the majority of the trees within the middle of the site to be removed. These are mainly category C trees of low quality and value. Key trees will be retained around the north, east and west boundaries of the site.
The application was supported with an Ecological Enhancement Strategy and Protected Species Scoping report prepared by The Landscape Partnership.
Please contact us if we can assist you with similar proposals.