Planning Permission

How do I get planning permission?

You have a property or land and you want permission for redevelopment but are wondering how do I get planning permission?

From over 40 years experience here at J & J Design we believe that the most effective way to get planning permission is to undertake background research to identify the potential site contraints and then obtain specialist advice or reports to overcome the constraints.  Some examples include Heritage Assets, Biodiversity, Trees, Highways, Drainage and Flooding.

In England planning decisions are made in accordance with the Development Plan unless there are material considerations that indicate otherwise.  It is therefore essential to ascertain how your proposals will align with the policies of the Development Plan.

For example:

– is the land or property designated on the Councils Policy Map?

– are there any local policies applicable to your type of proposed development?

Material planning considerations are those which are relevant to making the planning decision in question and can include a wide range of matters.  These can include the current housing land supply including self build targets for the area.

The National Planning Policy Framework represents up-to-date government planning policy and is also a material consideration that must be taken into account where it is relevant to a planning application. This includes the presumption in favour of development found at paragraph 14 of the Framework.

This can all be included in a Planning Statement in support of a planning application.

J & J Design have long experience in various types of applications and would be pleased to give further advice for your specific project.