Planning permission granted for the partial demolition, extension and alteration of barns identified as a Non-designated Heritage Asset to form a single storey dwellinghouse….Read More…
Planning Permission granted for a detached dwelling on garden land within the designated settlement boundary of a large Bedfordshire village………Read More…
Following the grant of Planning Permission in Outline for residential redevelopment on previously developed land (PDL) in Lower Stondon, the Reserved Matters application has now been submitted……..Read More…
The project will include the installation of new windows and doors, along with an enhanced electricity supply, drainage and other services. The roof and external walls will be adorned with ……..Read More…
Reserved Matters approval has been granted for 30 dwellings on Phase 4A of the Milton Keynes Tattenhoe Park……..Read More…
Changes to the roofscape were approved by a Variation of Condition application ……..Read More…
New warehouse and office building approved for existing business to expand……..Read More…
Prior Approval granted to convert cattle shed to a 4-bedroom dwelling………Read More…
Full Planning Permission granted on appeal for two self build dwelling houses adjacent to Settlement Boundary……..Read More…
Planning Permission has been granted for two detached dwellings on garden land in a Bedfordshire town…….Read More…
Class Q Prior Approval for Change of Use of two existing barns from agriculture into two two-bedroom dwellings………Read More…
This low impact dwelling in Buckinghamshire was granted on appeal in November 2009 but changes were made during construction resulting in a refusal of a retrospective application and an Enforcement Notice …Read More…
Residential Development of 15 dwellings approved adjacent to the existing settlement…….Read More…
Council considered removal of outbuilding and replacement with dwelling of modest proportions would be suitable for the location…….Read More…
Reserved Matters approval has now been granted and all conditions discharged following the Outline Planning Permission granted on appeal…….Read More…
Full Planning Permission for a residential development of five dwelling houses with associated access, parking and garages on disused garden land……..Read More…
Planning appeal allowed for eight Bungalows in a Bedfordshire village……..Read More…
A rural business has obtained planning permission for a new storage building in the Green Belt………Read More…
change of use of a redundant Courtyard Barn complex approved for B1 Business Use ……..Read More…
Detailed design and discharge of conditions for an industrial unit building (B2 use) with ancillary office space (B1 Use), which will provide three individual two storey units…….Read More…
J & J Design have been engaged by a number of clients who have acquired single plots or existing properties for redevelopment. …
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Chatteris Airfield situated in Fenland is home of Skydive Chatteris Club Ltd and designated as a Significant Area for Sport by Sport England…
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Planning enforcement is a complex subject, whether the allegation is an Unauthorised Material Change of Use or Unauthorised Operational Development…
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J & J Design have been privileged to support a number of community projects for places of worship in a variety of locations as far afield as Cornwall and Scotland, on urban and rural sites.
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