Planning Statement

What should be included in a Planning Statement?

A planning statement for a proposed development typically outlines the proposals, its compliance with local planning policies and regulations, and the reasons why planning permission should be granted. Here’s an outline of the key elements to include in a planning statement for a proposed development:

1. Introduction:

  • Provide a brief overview of the project, including the location and size of the plot.
  • Explain that the statement aims to demonstrate compliance with planning policies and support the application for planning permission.
  • Outline details of any other supporting documentation, such as a transport statement, ecology report, tree report, heritage impact assessment or noise impact assessment.

2. Description of the Proposal:

  • Provide a detailed description of the proposed development and its design, including the number of storeys, size, layout, and architectural style.
  • Mention any distinctive or innovative design features that may enhance the character of the area.

3. Site Analysis:

  • Describe the site characteristics, such as its size, shape, topography, and existing vegetation. Where appropriate, outline the existing use of the site and any existing buildings.
  • Assess any constraints or opportunities presented by the site, such as neighbouring buildings, access to amenities, or environmental considerations.
  • Discuss any efforts made to minimize the impact on the surrounding environment or heritage assets.

4. Compliance with Local Planning Policies:

  • Identify the relevant local planning policies and explain how the proposed development complies with them.
  • Address specific policies related to design, scale, massing, materials, access, sustainability, and any other relevant factors.
  • Provide evidence of how the design responds to the local context and enhances the character and appearance of the area.

5. Sustainability and Energy Efficiency:

  • Outline any sustainable design features incorporated into the proposed development, such as renewable energy systems, rainwater harvesting, or high levels of insulation.
  • Demonstrate compliance with national and local sustainability policies and guidelines, emphasizing energy efficiency and reduced carbon emissions.

6. Access and Infrastructure:

  • Describe the proposed access points to the site, including any new or modified entrances or driveways.
  • Address any concerns related to traffic impact, parking provisions, and the safety of pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Explain how the proposed development will integrate with existing infrastructure, such as utilities, drainage, and waste management systems.

7. Conclusion:

  • Summarize the key points made throughout the planning statement.
  • Reiterate the reasons why planning permission should be granted, highlighting the compliance with national and local planning policies and the positive contributions the proposed development will make to the area.

The specific requirements for a planning statement may vary depending on the local planning authority. It’s advisable to consult with a professional planning consultant who is familiar with the local regulations and can help tailor the planning statement to your specific project.

J & J Design have experience in writing Planning Statements for various types of applications and would be pleased to give further advice for your specific project.  We also have good working relationships with other consultants who are available to provide supporting statements as may be appropriate to your particular circumstances.