Planning permission granted for the partial demolition, extension and alteration of barns identified as a Non-designated Heritage Asset to form a single storey dwellinghouse comprising three bedrooms.
Although the site lies within the open countryside the re-use of existing buildings is supported by the Development Plan. It was therefore considered that the principle of the re-use of the building was acceptable, subject to the proposal meeting other policies in the Development Plan and other material considerations.
It was considered that the proposed conversion of the single storey building and the scale and location of the proposed extensions would be in keeping with the scale and appearance of the existing building, retaining a rural character in keeping with the traditional farm buildings on the site. The proposal would not, therefore, result in a harmful impact on the pattern and grain of the existing buildings, nor on the character of the immediate area.
Planning officers concluded that the proposal would not have a harmful impact on the setting of the adjacent listed building, nor would it result in a harmful impact on neighbouring residential amenities. Subject to conditions, the highways impacts of the development were considered to be acceptable allowing the retention of a Non-designated Heritage Asset.
The application was supported by a Heritage Statement prepared by Albion Archaeology, a Noise Assessment prepared by LF Acoustics, a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal undertaken by The Landscape Partnership and a Preliminary Contamination Risk Assessment by Paddock Geo Engineering.
The project team included JRT Architectural Design Ltd for the design and Kempston Surveys for the Topographical Survey.
Please contact us if we can assist you with a barn conversion.