Planning Permission has been granted for a new warehouse and office building at an existing commercial site in Northamptonshire.  The proposal was for a business wishing to expand at their existing location.

Although the site lies within the open countryside the local planning authority accepted that it was within an established commercial site. Local Planning policy specifically allows economic development outside the confines of towns and villages that will enhance or maintain the vitality, viability or sustainability of a primary service village or improve the local economy.

The warehouse and office building will be constructed using a similar materials to the existing buildings in the area. The proposals are of a scale and design which is considered appropriate for this location.

The application was supported by a Transport Statement prepared by Cotswold Transport Planning (now Rappor), and the proposal was considered to be acceptable in terms of highway safety and parking as well as the biodiversity of the area.

The project team included JRT Architectural Design Ltd for the design and Global Surveys for the Topographical Survey.

Please contact us if we can assist you with commercial applications.