This agricultural barn has been granted Prior Approval under Class Q of the Permitted Development Regulations for residential conversion to a two storey five bedroom dwelling with integral double garage and gym.

The primary structure and, profiled steel wall and roof cladding is to be retained in this agricultural to residential barn conversion. A single bay of the existing lean-to will be demolished and to provide natural lighting to the proposed dwellinghouse. It is accepted that the extent of these alterations are such that they are not considered to harm the character of the area and will be sympathetic to the host building. It is considered that the proposed works will retain the agricultural and rural appearance of the building.

The Council accepted that the extent of the works were those reasonably necessary for the building to function as a dwellinghouse and will not constitute a total re-build of the dwellinghouse in this instance.

The application building is accessible by an existing track and it was accepted that the location and siting of the building is not impractical or undesirable for the building to be converted to a dwellinghouse.

The proposed change of use from agricultural to residential will not result a significant increase in traffic along the existing access road given the existing residential uses that are located in the area and the agricultural machinery that uses the access.  It was considered that the proposal is acceptable in highways terms.