Planning Permission has been granted for a replacement dwelling as a Self Build project to replace a dilapidated bungalow on a prominent corner plot.
The site lies outside the village settlement boundary and hence in ‘open countryside’ for planning policy purposes. Nonetheless, it is a mature previously developed site and situated within a built up frontage in the countryside.
Following previous approvals for a replacement dwelling since 1990, a recent two storey scheme was refused by the Council due to being out of character with the surrounding built form.
Revised plans proposed to replace the existing dwelling with a four bedroom character family dwelling making more efficient use of the site. The approved dwelling is a chalet style to reflect the character of other buildings in the area and the previous outline planning permission.
The revised plans considered the mass, form, colour and materials and landscaping which all form an integral part of any assessment, together with maintaining gaps between the proposed and existing dwellings. The proposals sought to reflect local character and respect local choice of materials, whilst retaining the openness of the corner plot at the road junction.
The Council concluded that the principle of a replacement dwelling was permitted and the scale, form and footprint of the replacement dwelling was considered to be appropriate, relative to the original dwelling and in terms of its relationship with the surrounding area. Furthermore, the replacement dwelling would not adversely detract from the quasi village setting, particularly with the garden to the south providing relief.
Please contact us for advice on residential and Self Build projects.