J & J Design obtained Planning Permission following an appeal against refusal of two self build dwellings in Worcestershire.
The appeal site was outside but adjacent to the Settlement boundary and it was submitted that the proposed development was suitably located such that it would accord with aims of the local plan policies for the area. The Planning Inspector concluded that despite being an open field, the character and appearance of the site’s immediate context belies the fact it is in the countryside. There is extensive development within the immediate vicinity of the site and ….. it did not have an undeveloped rural character or appearance.
Whilst the site was designated as a significant gap other development in the area had diminished the gap which is recommended for removal in an emerging development plan. In the light of this and considering the limited scale of the proposal and the potential for sensitive landscaping measures to further reduce any effects on the character and appearance of the area, any harm from conflict with policies in the development plan was considered to be limited. The Inspector also placed great weight on the undersupply of self-build housing, and concluded that the policy objectives under Paragraph 61 of the NPPF, were a material consideration carrying substantial weight in favour of the proposal that outweighs the limited harm.
The appeal granted permission for two self build dwellings for local residents. The two properties comprise a four bedroom bungalow, designed as an Ecohome and a two storey five bedroom dwelling.
J & J Design were assisted by JRT Architectural Design Ltd (Architectural Drawings), Monument Geomatics Ltd (Topographical Survey), The Landscape Partnership (Landscape Statement and Strategy), and Argenta Tree Surveys (Arboricultural Impact Assessment) in this project.