J & J Design have obtained a Variation of Condition approval on a Reserved Matters approval for an amended scheme at the Priors Hall Park development in Corby.
Original outline planning permission was granted in 2007 for Priors Hall Park, with plans to build just over 5000 houses on the 900 acres of land.
A regional housebuilder purchased Parcel R17a in Zone 1 of the Priors Hall Park with the benefit of Reserved Matters Approval for 18 residential units.
Amendments relating to changes to the roofscape with minor consequential changes to the floor layouts have been approved by a Variation of Condition application . It was submitted that the alterations to the roof design would bring the scheme more into accord with the adjoining development areas particularly the use of dormer windows and result in an improvement to the appearance of this part of the development. It was further submitted that the revised elevations and roofscapes proposed would improve the proposed street scene and blend in better with the existing built form surrounding the application site.
The local planning authority accepted that overall, the scale, design and detailing of the dwellings as proposed (in their amended form) would be consistent with the wider locality and as such they were considered to be acceptable.
If you need amendments to an existing planning permission the team at J & J Design would be pleased to assist.