J & J Design have acted for a variety of landowners as well as local, regional and national housebuilders. Projects have included:
- Erection of three dwellings in a Bedfordshire village;
- Small housing estate on infill site – Bedfordshire;
- Redevelopment of former coach depot with 12 detached dwellings – Bedfordshire;
- Outline approval for 60 dwellings in Lincolnshire – urban extension;
- Promotion of urban fringe housing development sites in Worcestershire, Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire;
- Planning permission granted on appeal for two dwellings on disused horticultural packhouse;
- 15 dwellings to replace existing commercial premises in Cambridgeshire.
- Replacement and extensions to mobile home sites in Bedfordshire and Lincolnshire.
Village Extension – Bedfordshire
Following planning permission for housing infill on frontage land, J & J Design were engaged by the landowners to promote housing development on disused agricultural land enclosed by existing development on three sides and contained by a field ditch. The village extension site was promoted in a Local Plan Inquiry in 2005 and a subsequent Site Allocations DPD in 2011.
As a result of the above, a developer became involved and supported the ongoing promotion of the site. In anticipation of a further opportunity in an emerging Local Plan, a pre-application submission was made in 2014, receiving qualified officer support. Following delays to the emerging Local Plan and in the absence of the minimum five year housing land supply, an application for outline permission for 23 dwellings was approved during 2016.
The developer has now purchased the site and construction is in progress.
Further details of the new homes can be found here.