We have obtained Full Planning Permission for a residential development of five dwelling houses with associated access, parking and garages on disused garden land on a site in Sutton Coldfield.

The site is situated within an existing residential area, in what is considered to be a sustainable location with good transport links. Local and national planning policies seek to boost the supply of housing and make the most efficient use of land in such areas. On this basis, it was concluded by the planning authority that residential development of the site was acceptable in principle.

It was considered that the proposed development, which complied with the standards set out in the Councils Design Guide in terms of the spaces between buildings and the provision of private amenity space, would provide a high level of amenity for its future occupiers.

It was concluded that the proposed development would be in keeping with the general pattern of development in the area and was therefore acceptable, with full planning permission being granted subject to conditions.

This was a good example of our team approach which produces results. We are grateful to the assistance of the whole team including JRT Architectural Design Ltd, RGS Arboricultural Consultants who prepared the Tree Survey Report and REC Ltd who assisted with the Preliminary Ecological Appraisal.

Contact us for advice regarding full or outline planning permission for residential development.