Prior Approval granted for Change of Use of Agricultural Buildings to Two Dwellings in Warwickshire.
The buildings are a 4 bay open fronted steel framed barn (the sheep shed) and a 5 bay open fronted pole barn (the poultry shed).
The proposal is the Change of Use of the two existing barns from agriculture to form two dwellinghouses (Class C3) together with building works to convert the existing barns into two two-bedroom dwellings. New windows and doors are proposed, together with an upgraded electricity supply, drainage and other services.
The application was supported by a Structural Engineers Report following a detailed visual inspection of both buildings. The report concludes that both sheds are structurally strong enough to take the likely loading which they will be subjected to from the proposed change to residential use without significant alteration or enhancement.
The Council were able to confirm that Prior Approval under Class Q of Part 3 of Schedule 2 to the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) was Granted.
The project team included JRT Architectural Design Ltd for the design, Monument Geomatics Limited for the Topographical Survey and David Smith Associates for the Structural Report.
Please contact us if we can assist you with Barn Conversion applications.