J & J Design have been engaged by a number of clients who have acquired single plots or existing properties for redevelopment. Government has now recognised the contribution to the housing stock which can be provided by the Self-Build/Custom Build sector.
In particular, the following statutory provisions have been enacted:
- Self Build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015
- Housing and Planning Act 2016 Chapter 2
Each project raises its own challenges. The following are two typical recent projects:
A rural site fronting to the former main road, now relieved of through traffic by a bypass. The 0.15 hectare site was occupied by an older traditional three bedroom bungalow and detached garage. Whilst structurally sound the existing property required extensive renovation. The clients took the decision to demolish and rebuild. An ecological survey revealed bats roosting in the roof structure, giving rise to the need for a licence for Bat relocation prior to demolition. Bat boxes have been provided in the new cavity walls of the replacement house.
As the site was in open countryside care was needed to ensure that the replacement house complied with the Local Plan policy requirements limiting the size of the new dwelling.
J & J Design handled both the planning application and approval of details, together with the Building Regulations application.
West Sussex
Following the refusal of planning permission, J & J Design was engaged to undertake an appeal. This was handled by means of Written Representations.
The site was immediately south of the village envelope and was therefore treated as ‘Open Countryside’ for planning policy purposes. However, the site was part of a disused horticultural nursery, with the remains of nursery buildings. It was enclosed by existing dwellings on one side and a modern church and car park, together with other existing dwellings to the north. The entire nursey site had been under consideration for residential growth site in the local SHLAA. The district council were unable to demonstrate the minimum five years housing land requirement and several other planning appeals had been allowed in the area.
The Inspector agreed that the proposed dwelling would not extend into true open countryside and given the extent of enclosure by existing development and the absence of a 5 years housing land supply, he allowed the appeal and granted planning permission.