Reserved Matters approval has now been granted and all conditions discharged following the Outline Planning Permission granted on appeal in a Bedfordshire village for a local property development company.

The application for reserved matters was for approval of details of the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for seven dwellings and garages.

The Outline planning approval was for eight dwellings. However in the light of the case I’m Your Man Ltd v SoS for the Environment (1999) 77 P. & C.R. 251 and in the absence of a condition stating eight units, it was considered that an application for seven dwellings was acceptable.

We were assisted by Sherwood Architects in the preparation of the Design & Access Statement and detailed plans and elevations.

Liz Lake Associates assisted with the preparation of Detailed Planting Proposals and Hard Landscaping together with a Landscape Management Plan.

Additional details including a Construction Traffic Management Plan, Ecological Enhancement and Highways and Drainage details were submitted to satisfy the conditions on the Outline Planning Approval.

Please contact us if we can assist you with similar proposals.