The replacement of this outbuilding with a bungalow was approved in a Conservation Area.
This approved plans designed by JRT Architectural Design Ltd will result in a modest three bedroom bungalow.
The Kent planning authority concluded that there was no objection to the removal of the older outbuilding and that the proposed dwelling would be of modest proportions suitable for the location, which would not result in harm to the character of the Conservation Area or the street scene.
The proposal was supported by a Transport Statement prepared by Cotswold Transport Planning and includes the relocation of the vehicle access to serve both properties. The planning authority concluded that this will be of some benefit together with the introduction of a newly planted hedgerow, which will retain the sense of enclosure which currently exists.
The Heritage Statement submitted with the application concluded that the proposals will preserve and enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area and the setting of the nearby listed buildings, in keeping with the pattern of the existing village and its rural setting.
The proposal was also considered acceptable in terms of relevant policies and paragraphs of the NPPF.
Please contact us to discuss your proposals.